Ante Lacman Croatia
CSR activities in Croatia and Slovenia
07 May 2019 Incentive travel

Increasingly incentive groups devote their time to a socially responsible activity, giving the guests an opportunity to give back and connect closely with the local community. An experienced DMC with local know-how can advise on suitable CSR activities that will have a lasting impact on the destination and its people. Intours DMC has contributed to the successful implementation of these CSR projects:

Reconstruction of ancient stone walls

The top performers visiting the jet set island of Hvar got an opportunity to give back in a fun, hands-on way. The whole interior of Hvar island is full of ancient stone structures laboriously built in thousands of years. Today the walls are slowly but inevitably collapsing. Intours DMC traced the few experts still tending to the heritage and agreeing to invite the guests to a workshop and a CSR activity. While guests were eagerly finishing the last stretch of their project, a local personality, the “Lavender Man” appeared from nowhere starting storytelling, accordion playing and singing.

Renovation of youth football club

On a proposal of Intours DMC, an incentive group staying in Dubrovnik, Croatia, crossed border to Bosnia to do some work with a children’s football club. The group of programmers, IT managers, engineers, lawyers and economists worked their fingers to the bone to renovate the Trebinje Youth Football Club. They replaced asbestos roof with a new metal roofing, installed new doors and windows as well as painted the rooms and benches. “By volunteering, we would like to show that there is a world which cares about the children of Trebinje and sees their athletic potential,” said Jason Sullivan of Colt Group that dedicated 800 volunteering hours and founds for renovation.

Building bikes for disadvantaged children

After a group of active people experienced a two-day survival program in the pristine nature of Slovenia, they were challenged with a final task of assembling bikes for disadvantage children. The bikes brought big smiles on children’s faces as well as on participants’ who again demonstrated team spirit when putting all the parts together to build brand new mountain bikes.

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